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Impact craters near my home?

I was flying from Athens to Ioannina the other day, and the route was near the city of Arta too. Just north of Arta, on one the mountain tops near the city, I saw what they resemble asteroid/meteorite impact craters. There’s a big crater, and a few smaller ones around it (obviously thousands or millions of years old). Since Ioannina is a relatively small city, I was lucky to be flown by a small propeller plane, at low altitude (9-10 minutes before touch-down), so I could have a good look.

Of course I’m not a geologist, and what I saw could it be the outcome of an earthquake, but to my eyes they really looked like impact craters: a big crater that carried the bigger piece of the asteroid body, and some smaller ones that were cut-off from the main body as they entered the atmosphere. Overall, these seems to be scattered in an area of about 2-3 kilometers.

I got excited about it, and I thought I should not take any pictures, since I could be able to take a look later on Google Maps. Boy, did I make one of my biggest mistakes in my life? The Google Maps picture quality of the area is dreadful and the craters just don’t look like craters at all. And Google’s images look skewed too. Impossible to figure out what’s what from these images.

On the other hand, what I’m reporting here might be common knowledge to the geologists of Greece, but I certainly never heard anything about it about the area, which is close to my home.

Update: Good news everyone! I found the craters on Google Earth, and in it they look as they did from the plane. Image below (click for larger view), equivalent Google maps link, but prefer to check it out on Earth instead. The location is near the villages Gorgomylos and Gkoura.

In the picture you can see the main crater (if it’s a crater after all), and 7-8 more smaller ones (the all-grey ones). The other mountains in the region don’t look like that btw, which is what makes me believe that this is worth investigating further…

Update 2: If you have any geologist friend, please send him/her to this page. I don’t know of any, and I would like to know their opinion on the matter.

The answer to Netflix’s streaming troubles

As you might have heard, Netflix raised its prices yesterday, quite significantly. In all honesty, their prices are still very competitive ($15 for DVD + unlimited-streaming), given that an HD basic subscription to cable TV is still in the range of $80-$90 a month. Techcrunch, Gizmodo, Engadget all wrote editorials on the situation.

A lot of people were unhappy about the sudden price hike, but I think most people do know that the reason for this increase was not greed, but rather the realities of content licensing. Licensing content for unlimited streaming is simply extremely expensive. Some TV shows Netflix bought for streaming were sold at $100,000 per episode (with “Mad Men” sold higher than that), while some newer big movies are in the millions of dollars range.

This is an unsustainable model.

Currently, Netflix’s streaming library is rather small (and it already has cost them a fortune), and content expires within 2 years, and in some cases as early as in a few weeks. Some content is not in HD either, as part of the negotiations.

The root of the problem is that the content providers want to make their content “scarcely available“. Anything that’s more difficult to find, has a higher price in the market place — just like gold. This way they can sell the same content to different TV networks, online streamers, different countries, airliners etc, for a higher price. In fact, it’s widely known that titles that Netflix is streaming, the TV networks won’t touch, not even with a 10ft pole. This is a problem for the content providers, and that’s why they universally hate, and fight Netflix.

I do not believe that things will get easier for Netflix. The numbers just don’t add up. They’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. From one side its customers want more content selection (without more price hikes), while on the other side content providers hike their asking prices to the extreme, and in some cases they won’t even negotiate with Netflix regarding streaming. And at the same time the number of titles is increasing, making licensing even more of an expensive proposition.

I think that there’s only one answer to this chicken-and-egg problem: an open marketplace within Netflix streaming. A type of pay-per-view, but with Netflix paying part of the bill, and with studios setting their own prices. So for example, instead of DVD + Unlimited-Streaming costing $15, it should cost $10 ($8 for the DVD, and $2 for streaming). That $2 dollars will go towards hosting, bandwidth, and license-sharing costs. So instead of paying $4 to stream a movie (as it costs on Amazon or iTunes), the Netflix user could pay as high as $4, but he could also pay as low as $0.10 too. Instead of having fixed prices, let the market decide. Let the studios set the price they think their content deserves. Eventually, the big studios will realize that making $150 mil movies is not so sustainable anymore, when smaller indie studios can do the same for $15 mil. We’re getting there filmmaking-wise. That’s why the market place should be open, and without set prices per title.

Yes, it would be nice to pay a moderately-cheap flat fee and watch everything under the sun, but as I wrote above, this is an unsustainable business model when content providers are that greedy. In a perfect world unlimited streaming for a flat fee is the best solution for the consumer, and a piracy deterrent. I believe this for both movies and music. But studios/majors are a–holes. That’s why I believe that my solution is the next-best thing, at least for movies.

In the past, indie studios could not compete with the big studios because the cinema prices are fixed. They’re between $8 and $13, depending where you live. But no matter what movie you were going to see, the price was almost the same. So who in their right mind would go watch an indie or foreign movie, when for the same amount of money he could go see Harry Potter?

This is the situation Netflix should try to change. Eventually people will discover more cerebral movies, for cheaper than a brainless blockbuster. Cheap thrills won’t be cheap anymore. And the big studios won’t have any recourse, but to bring their prices down. The same way it happened with music in the last 3-4 years: Major studio albums were sold as high as $13 on iTunes, and then the indies started selling at $8. Now, the price of the major albums has come down to $10 (sometimes cheaper), while a lot of indie albums are selling for $5 or $6 on Amazon MP3. As tools become cheaper, and there is competition, prices will come down. For blockbuster movies, it’s a matter of outsourcing CGI and most locations to poor (but politically stable) countries to bring costs down.

I think all this will start to happen by the end of the decade. But until then, we will have to endure studios chocking Netflix, which in turn has to choke us. And in the mean time, piracy thrives, just because people can’t get their entertainment for cheap-enough and available-enough.

A synesthete’s review of KID A

According to many music magazines, Radiohead’s “KID A” is the best album of the last decade. There are countless reviews and articles about it, but I don’t think there’s one from a synesthete‘s point of view. So I decided to write one myself, to describe how KID A looks and feels to me. KID-A is a very visual album, possibly one of the most visual albums ever. In fact, I consider “bad music” anything that doesn’t make me see colors, images, stories, or draw forgotten memories.

Of course, each synesthete is experiencing the same pieces of art differently, but if you’d like to experience the same feelings and visuals as I do in my (drug-free) soft-trip, first read the paragraph for a track below, and then listen to that track on good headphones, without any other distraction. Close your eyes, and let the music tell the story. Do not pay attention to the lyrics either.

1. Everything in its right place

I’m on a natural, dark tunnel, and I’m floating. I’m trying to move, but it’s not easy, it’s as difficult as when trying to swim, requires effort. There is a bit of light at the end, and I’m trying to reach it. The closer I get, and the more effort I put, the more the tunnel is flexing in and out, like it’s breathing. I never reach the light.

2. Kid A

I’m in a forest, and it’s raining. Drops for now, rain later. Everything is so big: the leaves, the flowers are all huge… I’m a beetle. In the middle of the small meadow there’s an anomaly. Looks like a time/space continuum disruption. It’s like a portal of a sort, and it’s vibrating. It draws me nearer, flying from leaf to leaf. I notice that ants, and ladybugs around me are equally attracted to it. A baby deer draws close too. A bit too close. Suddenly the disturbance is pulling the deer into it, but in a weird fashion: it’s like it’s pulling its flesh, with the bones stay in place. Eventually, the deer is gone. I’m now too close to it too. I have to go in, can’t resist. I’m in. It’s a white space with floating red marbles, moving around… I think it’s weird, but it’s fun. Is there more to this amazing place? Suddenly I’m pulled down, and it’s quickly getting darker and uglier. I’m in a stomach.

3. The National Anthem

I’m in a club, and it’s filled with both people and weird creatures. We are all dancing in slow motion. The band is made of alien-like creatures, but the singer is human. From the singer’s mouth and movements, some rainbow-like streaks are unleashed and everyone on the dance-floor is trying to catch them. During the last part of the song with the trumpet solos, everyone gets into frenzied trance.

4. How to Disappear Completely

I’m in a white spaceship, and I’m all alone. I move through the white corridors, and empty white rooms with a view, but there’s nothing for me there, inside or out of it. There’s emptiness both inside the spaceship and outside of it. It feels like I’m alone in the whole universe. I try to flex, and the spaceship flexes back. It’s my prison, and my life line. I travel from nebulae, to planets, to dark void, but nothing moves me. I’m sad and lonely. It’s time. I drive the spaceship into a sun, and I welcome it with open arms.

5. Treefingers

It’s a starry night, and I’m in a place surrounded by trees. There is no opening to escape. My only light is some golden dust moving around and playing with me. My only way out of it is to look up, at the stars. I decide to give up, and take a rest, by lying on the grass. Suddenly the grass moves, and moves my body forward. It releases my body to some flowers that continue to move me around, then the trees themselves use their branches and move me from tree to tree. Eventually I’m high enough. I still can’t break free from the tree prison, but I’m closer to the stars.

6. Optimistic

I’m in a huge gray factory, with a stale atmosphere and smoke that’s hard to breath. I’m floating towards gray machinery, all sorts of machinery that move with the beat. Sometimes the machinery re-shapes itself and changes to look like a singing mouth. As I further float to more machinery, there’s a place made with fire that it creates even more machinery. The machinery is endless, like the world is made of it. I go back out, and get a larger view of the factory, but there’s no ending in sight. Zooming in and out of the machines only reveals smaller or bigger machines, made from other machines.

7. In Limbo

It’s a beautiful sunny day, near the beach. I’m a turtle, currently hiding behind some vegetation. I need to move, reach the sea, that’s my goal. But I seem to have to go through sunbathers. I start my voyage, and I go pass a beautiful woman who keeps adding sun protection. By the time I get passed her, in my turtle speed, she already bathed herself 3 times in that oil. An old man is enjoying the sun by sleeping, while his old wife next to him is looking and criticizing the rest of the people on the beach. A bit further a fat woman is eating a peach. I’m closer to the sea, but there’s trouble ahead. Two kids approach me and turn me upside down with a stick. I panic and hide myself in my shell. When I decide to stick my head out again, they’ve already gone. I’m closer to the sea now. Before I enter the water I stop to admire windsurfing, but the image is soon polluted by people spitting out sea water while swimming. There’s no time to waste, I get into the water. Oh, look, so many legs!

8. Idioteque

I fly over a city of the future. It’s night, but there are so many lights, so colorful. But upon zooming down to the streets there seems to be a constant parade of soldiers. The soldiers are endless. When watching the city from above it feels like an ordinary city, with normal traffic. But when you go closer to it, it’s filled with soldiers parading, there are no people on the sidewalks, or cars. There is only one spectator: a little girl, no more than 5 or 6 years old. She has a dirty face, her clothes are dirty and full of holes. She’s sitting by the sidewalk, hugging her knees, watching the parade. Her eyes show nothing but fear. Every time she tries to look away, a soldier closer to her immediately turns his head and gives her a wild stare. She can’t escape. She’s forever bound.

9. Morning Bell

I’m in a white-gray place, that’s full of nothingness. It’s just white-gray. I’m floating horizontally, and I’m looking up, the endless white. But there’s a portal-like opening above me now, with a dream-like view of what seems to be the real world. I try to get to it, but my movement is very slow, like the gravity on this place is optimized for stillness. As I get closer to the portal though, two more appear on my left and right, and all three are now pulling me slowly, in different directions. It starts to become painful. But then, the three depictions of the real world change to dark, scary views. They’re still pulling me in.

10. Motion Picture Soundtrack

In a 1940s-like room. Everything is in black and white. A beautiful woman, wearing clothes and hair of the era, lies in bed, dead. She committed suicide. I look around in the room, I touch her things, but eventually I go back to her, and I touch her hair. I loved this woman. Suddenly, golden light surrounds her body, the only colorful element in the scene, and soon enough it flies out of the window, and up to the sky. Something does stay behind though, and that’s a dark shadow. It soon comes towards me. I can’t run away from it, it devours me. Before I fall down I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I am that woman.

11. Untitled

I’m the golden light: I leave the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the known universe. I fade away. Into a dark tunnel.

Why Star Wars can be surpassed

My husband and I re-watched Star Wars recently. After thinking about it, I decided that I liked Episode 4 the best, Episode 5 next, while Episode 6 I found it to be the worst of all other Episodes. I’m amazed Ep.6 is so highly rated on IMDb’s scoring, I’m guessing it has something to do with the original trilogy’s fanboys.

The general consensus is that George Lucas lost his filmmaking mojo around the time of Howard the Duck, and that the newer Episodes 1-3 are pretty mediocre at best. I don’t agree with this. In my opinion, George Lucas never had any filmmaking mojo to start with. All his works are mediocre when compared to more serious filmmaking. And yet, Lucas is more famous, richer and more accomplished than his competitors. Why?

Because his strong point is not filmmaking or script writing. It’s mythos. Giving life to a whole new universe. His movies have an extreme detail of the life forms, civilizations, interactions, surroundings, and how life generally looks like in these places. No other movie or franchise, apart from Star Trek, has ever managed to provide so much detail about its universe and make it so believable. That’s his strong point. That’s why Star Wars became what it is: because of its attention to detail. Other than that, the story-building itself is pretty traditional overall, and the dialog extremely cheesy.

Which means that Star Wars is a phenomena that can be surpassed. Of course, many tried and all failed, but if someone with the filmmaking abilities of Chris Nolan, and the imagination of George Lucas were to be born, we would be looking into the next big thing, franchise-wise. But unfortunately for us, if Nolan was that person, he spent all his younger and most-open minded & productive years paying lip service to DC Comics, creating the well-done, but otherwise incredibly formulaic and old-fashioned Batman series. I’d rather had Nolan create his own, next big thing.

Give me a view of how a galaxy and its inhabitants could look like, give me space travel, give me technology, give me action and incredible things — and of course a good story. Lucas got that right. Instead, Nolan gave us a depressed rich guy who plays dress up. God, I hate DC stories (and while Marvel stories are better, their Earth-bound concept is still not as inspiring as Lucas’).

“Chief of Sun” by Old Arc

This is a music video I shot last year, but I was not able to edit it for so long because I got the equivalent of writer’s block, but for video (long story). Which is such a shame, because the track is wonderful (future of music, right there), and the band is both great guys. Both the video, and the song/EP by Old Arc are available for free download.

We shot the video within two hours time (in a quick trip down to Santa Cruz, the band is from there), using the Canon SX200 IS P&S digicam (flat colors, -1/3 locked exposure). The 720/30p footage was converted with Cineform to 24p (20% slow down), and edited with Sony Vegas Platinum 11. The CartoonR free plugin was used quite some. Here’s a directly-out-of-the-camera screengrab.

Regarding the Greek situation

Soon, the Greek debt will rise at $500bn. That’s the kind of debt that no small country can repay, unless it has invented, internationally patented, and marketed anti-gravity. So, let’s see why we’re where we are today, and what can be done about it.

The origins of the problem

One thing you have to understand about Greece is that since it became independent, 190 years ago, there hasn’t been a single time when the Greek economy and standard of living was “good”. See, if you look at Germany, France, UK, and even Russia and Romania, you will find stretches of time that measure in years where you could say that these countries had a “mini-golden age”. Greece never had such a golden age in the modern times. It was always under the danger of defaulting. And it has, at least 3-4 times. From the Irish Times: “According to a study by economic historians Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, the Greek state has been in default for almost one out of every two years since it was founded in the 1820s.

This financial situation has led to dictatorships, kings, and democracies come and go, like on a vicious cycle. And until the 1980s, this has kept the Greek people from living at the same standard as their European counterparts. In the 1920s, the bureaucracy had become so big that the public sector grew not only in numbers, but also in power. A law was enacted where from the moment you became a civil worker, you effectively couldn’t get fired.

This quickly created a two-tier citizenship in Greece. The powerful civil workers (who retire early, some of them work few hours, some of them working in offices are indeed lazy etc), and the private sector, which remained very underpaid, very hard working, and who’d retire at the age of 65. When Europeans today complain about the lazy Greeks, they must understand that Greece has a virtual cast system, and that not everyone is equal in it.

So, because of this social schism, the private sector had to resort in tricks to stay alive. They’d avoid taxes as much as they could. As the years went by, this whole mentality of corruption and “under the table business” was spread to every part of the state. From the poor workers, to the richest. Tax evasion is what everyone does, from the poor worker who pumps gas to your car, to the biggest construction company of the country. Being street smart was now how everyone was getting by in Greece. Want to see a doctor? Pay him under the table. Want to have your car pass the yearly examination? Pay the guy who does the checks. Want to get your case be heard at some civil office? Pay the clerk to just move his/her ass to go and find the file. In all truth, this kind of mentality was in Greece for centuries, but it amplified with the rise of the civil workers in the 1920s.

I was born in 1973 in Athens. In the first years of my life I lived in both big cities (Athens, 1-3 yo), small cities (Preveza, 4-7), towns (Louros, 12-18), and mountain villages (Skiadas, 3-4 & 8-11). One thing I remember very clearly from that early time is how many times I’d eat beans during the week. It was bordering to 5-6 times a week. Beans were our staple. And not just my family’s, but most of the people we knew too. We’d be lucky if some goat broke a leg, and my uncles had no option but to kill the goat, and share the meat among the family. The standard of living was a bit better in Athens, but not a whole lot better.

But after the inclusion of Greece’s in the European Community in 1981 something happened. Money poured in from the European countries to Greece. FREE MONEY, that is, in almost the most literal definition of the words. Not once in the past a country was ever so lucky to receive so much free money. That was such a major opportunity for Greece to get it right. Europeans wanted Greece to be part of the future European Union, and to be able to be as developed, money had to be given to Greeks, to make roads, businesses, develop more their agriculture etc, etc. In three decades, 240 billion Euros of European subsidies were given away to Greeks.

Instead, the money found three destinations. Divided, 1/3 went where it was supposed to go. Indeed, some new roads were made, some new athletic infrastructure etc. The other 1/3, the one that was given to businessmen to modernize their business and bring them to a European standard, went into building new houses for their family and buying cars. See, that money was like candy change for a street kid. Money was poured in to very poor people, so the natural reaction was to buy “luxuries” (if you can call a house that its floors are not made out of cow manure, a luxury — that was the case for many houses in Louros up to the late ’80s). Because the socialist PASOK wanted to be re-elected, they didn’t do anything about the situation. They just let the people “become happy”, so to get votes again. And they did.

The last part of that 1/3 (and maybe even more than just 1/3), was eaten away. By people who had access to it. Be it politicians, civil workers, the mob, rich people, it doesn’t matter. The point is, billions of dollars were eaten away, and that money never went where it was supposed to. They are probably in some Swiss banks right now, if they were not always spent away in cars, swimming pools and what have you. The point is, Greek lost a unique opportunity with that money back then, to modernize the country.

Another thing that was and is part of the problem, is the oligarchy in Greece. The career politicians are coming from families of politicians. While there are similar examples in the US too (e.g. the Kennedys), Greece has taken that to the extreme. 90% of same people are getting elected and re-elected all the time, and when they die, their kids, or their proteges, are taking over. The Greek political parties are like football clubs, with fan clubs, and fans that can be trusted to make trouble when asked. They are all populists, they are shouting at each other in a way that would land them in jail in any other parliament in this planet, they are short-sighted, and they are incapable of understanding what they’re into (consider that Greek ministries are NOT offered to academics or people of knowledge, but to these elected — so a dentist that got elected, might end up become head of the Education Ministry). Not to mention that the title of Greek President had true powers before 1988, and became just a ceremonial title after constitutional amendments that the Prime Minister of the time passed, ensuring that there’s only “one” person in power. The whole thing is power-gripped, and corrupted. Unfortunately, even if a new government takes over, the same underground people will still move the pawns. The only way for Greece to free itself from this political mob, is to not allow any of the politicians, behind-the-scene workers and their immediate families of these political clubs to be elected for 30 years. Take away their be-voted citizen right, destroy all political parties that have more than 5% of popularity. Politically, Greece must start from scratch in that front.

As much as I’d like to put all the blame to politicians and call it a day (as many Greeks do), the truth is that Greece is a form of democracy (yes, just a form). And as such, the citizens are responsible as to who they vote. Back in the ’80s and ’90s, you could have this bright chemist, or theoretical physicist, or mathematician just finishing up his university studies, and instead of trying to setup a research company to try and create “the next big thing in the world”, he has to go through almost two years of mandatory army service (doing nothing all day after the first 3 months of basic training, killing any urge to change the world via a new product, and forgetting what he learned at school), he then comes back to mom & dad and asks them to go and kiss the ass of their local politician to get him a job as a civil worker — sitting down all day, doing nothing of note, that is. And politicians did put these bright people in dumb, filling and data-entry positions, because they wanted to re-elected. Everyone was winning in their microcosmos they lived in.

But the country was losing in the big picture. Greece became a country that did not produce anything. Except feta, olive oil and tourism, the country was just living on virtual growth. And the civil workers made it difficult to get out of this terrible situation, by asking the government to “lock” certain modern professions (so only civil workers could do them), and by making it difficult to incorporate an LLC. Do you remember that Greek Android company that Google bought last year? The reason its two guys left Greece and tried their luck in the Silicon Valley wasn’t because they couldn’t get an internet connection from Athens, but rather because creating a new private company in Greece was a pain in the ass until recently, when finally Papandreou made it easier with a new law (acknowledged by the two engineers in a separate video interview).

At the same time, Europe has part of the blame too. They poured all this money to Greece, and they never checked it properly if the money was going where it was supposed to. They trusted Greece to be an adult, while Greece was just a little poor kid on the streets, and was just learning to become a spoiled teenager after it got adopted. As much as I’d like to put all the blame to “external forces”, zombies, Europe, vampires, and politicians in the last 30 years, the truth is that a lot of the blame goes to every Greek citizen. Every single one of them. They brought all this on to their heads for the last 90 years, and especially during the last 30 years.

Ah… the ’80s. What a nice time (*chillwave music plays in the background*). The time that we switched from beans and wild vegetation soups to chicken, beef, pork and Prada belts. Guess what kids: you now have to pay for a standard of living that was not symmetrical to what you generated as a country.

The blame of Europe does become more apparent and more serious in the last 10 years, when they started lending Greece even more money, on the promise that they will get their money back. There was no collateral, and they kept lending. That was not just a financial mistake on their part and for their customers, it was a crime against Greece. Every responsible bank is supposed to do the math if someone has the money (or the will) to pay back. ECB didn’t do the obvious math, even after Goldman Sachs helped Greece to cook the books. That’s how far the Greek corruption went, as to making illegal business with the GS sharks. Instead, Greece is now paying the price and GS still strongly sits in Wall Street like nothing happened (a bank that should taken apart by the US government in my opinion, for the problems they created to at least the American people recently).

And if the lending of money wasn’t enough, the paranoia that Turkey (also a member of NATO) will invade Greece has led to an arms race. Think of what was going on: France was lending money to Greece, to buy French arms. Let alone that most (all?) of the 12 Phantoms Greece bought in 1988 have crashed since during exercises (second grade quality?), killing most of their pilots. Not to mention that because of bribery to civil servants from foreign medical companies, Greece pays 3x the amount of money for medicines and medical instruments than any other European country.

So what can we do?

There are only two things that can be done, and unfortunately, Greeks today are opting for the wrong option. When will the citizens see the big picture? Don’t get me wrong, both options are SHIT. There’s no way back to the old standard of living. But there is a difference between SHIT and SHITTIER.

Shit option #1: Austerity measures, more bail-out debt

This is the solution that the current Prime Minister is trying to pass. The advantages of this plan is that, at last, more laws will pass that will make free enterprise and growth a possibility (but definitely not a certainty). At the same time, crazy pensions, 14 months of payments for 11 months of work, and other crazy civil worker benefits like these, are all cut out. Personally, I’m looking forward to these kinds of social changes. For the long run, even if it stings 1 million civil workers who have learned to expect a specific standard of living that is not analogous to what they offer, it’s the right decision. If bankruptcy fear is what drives Greece to corrects the sins of the past, well, then that’s what it takes. The truth is, the kind of civil worker system that Greece has is not sustainable. It must be shrinked considerably.

The disadvantage of this plan is that Europeans are asking to privatize all national wealth. From transportation to healthcare, from banks to selling islands. I’m all for privatization of certain elements, but as a socialist myself I believe that a righteous government should have the upper hand when it comes to resources that are important for its citizens in the next 100 or 200 years. For example, while I’m for selling a few small dry islands that no one is living on them, I’m against of selling water. With the dangers of global warming, overpopulation, and the decline of the sea life, owning potable water is very important.

Greece must be bailed out, but without selling out its main life lines. These must remain property of the people. Papandreou should only sell parts that are not vital to life in the future.

Shittier option #2: Bankruptcy and back to drachma

This is the easy solution. But easier said than done. See, with bankruptcy, and going back to the newly devalued drachma, Greeks can start anew. Unfortunately, this is not what is going to happen. Have you ever seen what happens when you remove the Hi-Fi system from the room of your teenager kid? Hell, that’s what. He comes back and trashes the place out of anger.

I’m Greek, I love Greece as my birthplace, and I terribly miss its beauty. But I do NOT trust the Greek people to live like Zimbabweans do. Because that’s what is going to happen if Greece exits the Euro. Forget buying a new cellphone every year, or a new computer. These will all be parts of the past. Instead, the standard of living will go back 20 years, and the country will need between 30 and 100 years to get back to its feet — if civil war doesn’t tear it apart before that time. Expect a lot of violence. Lootings, rapes, robbings. When Argentina defaulted 10 years ago (an argument that many Greeks bring as a positive example), 25% of its citizens had to live (and some still are) under extreme poverty.

In my opinion what Greeks ask today when they riot, or when they write such half-truth articles, is not a viable policy. It’s a pipe dream. They think that if they are left to their own devices, and Europe ungrips, things will be good. No. Things will be way, way worse. The international market is like a web, and no country can live alone. Greece does not even have oil, it imports 100% of it. Greeks who riot to leave the European Union and NATO are romantics, their idea of how to proceed can not work. Unless they want everyone to live the way people in North Korea do, which is not very nice, to say the least.

Instead, they strike, bringing the country to its knees even more, which results to requiring more bail out money to pay for these un-worked days. The more these idiots strike, the more the country dysfunctions. Strikes is the worst thing a citizen can do to an almost dead country. I’m extremely sad that the Greek citizens don’t see this. It shows great irresponsibility.

Some further ideas

What Greece needs to do is simply:
1. Get bailed out by Europeans, by convincing them that Europe without Greece will crumble. Get their money, but this time use it right. So far, Europeans do want to bail out Greece, but this will change in the next few weeks (mark my words). There’s no time to waste, from the Greek point of view, bailout is better than bankruptcy. With the right measures, the debt will be paid back eventually. Refuse to pay a part of the debt if lawyers find that some of it was illegal (like Ecuador did). But this “trick” can’t be done for all the debt.
2. Austerity measures where it matters, where it makes the country stronger, no matter if some civil workers don’t like it. Lower civil servant pays (it makes no sense that a private worker gets paid $800, when a civil servant gets paid $1950 on average), cut off the big pensions to no more than $1000 etc.
3. Privatization of only non-essential parts of life (current and future life). Fight corruption at all levels. Transparency everywhere.
4. Like India, become an off-shoring center for many things, not just software.
5. Start industries, make smart people create companies and products that international markets would care to buy.
6. Cut out the army service to 3 months. Stop buying arms, only parts if needed.
7. Ask people to go back to the villages where they came from. Ask them to use the land, make food. Athens holds 1/2 the Greek population, a negatively unique situation in the world.
8. Clean up the political system. Disallow all politicians and people currently in power from getting re-elected or serving for a number of years. Instead, the people who are eligible for that period should be under 50 years old, and never have been part of any political association before. Bring new blood into politics and put smart specialty people as heads of the various ministries.
9. Go back to the tax books, find the holes, and make the citizens and corporations pay of what they owe (there are terror cases of corporations paying $0 when they should have paid $15mil in taxes). While that money might have left Greece for Switzerland long ago, I wouldn’t be surprised if what is owed to the state by its own citizens and especially its companies, reaches to the heights of a trillion dollars.
10. Tourism, tourism, tourism. Put people to work, remove the Acropolis, and move it to a secure location. Rebuilt the Acropolis from scratch, according to how the archaeologists think it looked like in 400 BC. Rebuilt the Colossus of Rhodes. Greece’s landscape is also unique for extreme sports. But as my mom says, who I always found her to be the epitome of the very average Greek (in a bad way): “Allo ti tha kanoume. Tha paroume to ale3iptoto kai tha pame na pidisoume apo tis speles na pame na skotothoume. Den mou fernoun fai aftes oi vlakeies”.

Oh, and Greece is not just the islands. So far, 90% of all tourists go to islands, and that’s stupid. I bet most non-Greeks have never heard of Vikos, even if it’s as deep as the Grand Canyon (if not more). Except goats and a few know-hows, no one visit it. There’s another wasted opportunity to make money off of tourists. I can find about 100 such opportunities, that if I had all the money the Ministry of Tourism had in the ’80s in its hand (or was supposed to have), Greece would not be in this situation today. Even with all the rest of its problems in its back!

Heck, the place I come from, Epirus, is one of the best “blind spots” in the whole of Europe that can do astronomy better than any other place (especially because there are high mountains, clean non-polluted atmosphere, and weather is good too). And what has been done for that? Absolutely nothing. Instead of building roads that go up a mountain, and facilities up there so European amateur astronomers know about it and visit, I’m pretty sure that the idea has not even crossed anyone in Greece’s Ministry of Tourism, ever.

As much tourism Greece has (and has quite some), and Greeks think that their tourism is top notch, the truth is that tourism in Greece SUCKS. There are so many things missing, so much missing infrastructure (from public toilets to golf terrains — there are none). There is so much opportunity there, that make my eyes cry. If all that is not enough, there you have the Greeks essentially banning kite-surf. If this last part doesn’t show how short-sighted Greece can be, nothing will.

Make no mistake, I love my country. I close my eyes at night, and before Morpheus has taken me away, I’m that kid again, chasing hens in my village. I love my birthplace. But the good citizen is the citizen who says it like it is. Unfortunately, it’s my fellow Greeks who I disagree with in this case — and this puts me at odds, because unlike most blogs discussing the situation, I put the blame on the citizens too. I disagree with the Greeks’ expectations about entitlement, their beliefs about other countries owing Greece just for being Greek and having invented democracy (I didn’t know patents can last 2000 years), their kind of non-sustainable aspirations of getting a job that you can’t be fired etc. But I do love them for being so open, for always saying what they think, for being laid back and cool. But I can’t stand this short-slightness, both at a personal and national level. I left Greece to get a better future (since there was nothing to do there for the business of my then-fiance, and after I specifically commanded my parents to NOT go kiss ass to try to make me a civil worker), but I always, always dreamed of going back. The people at the day to day basis are lovely, the nature is beautiful. Hopefully, one day the political and financial climate there will be stable-enough for once. I hope during my lifetime I see this coming to fruition, and Greece becoming a true 1st World country. Not in the name only.

Additional reading: this article by Vanity Fair. A lot of Greeks hated it and found it anti-Greek, but the author has his head screwed on perfectly. Kudos.

Update: Another good article, saying it like it is.

My movie, Part 2 (characters)

I recently talked about the movie I want to make if I had about $50mil (yeah, right?). I gave some information about how the visuals would look like, but I didn’t say anything about the characters and the actors that I could see portraying them (I might write about the actual story in the future).

– Roveen Set – Joseph Gordon-Levitt / Nicholas Hoult
Our main character is a smart young guy, who’s living day to day, not really caring about the bigger picture. Works at a bar, where he both uses and deals drugs.

– Wayren Doz – Adrien Brody / Ian Somerhalder
A environmental and political activist, from a rich family, who renounced his family’s affairs. On the run, and wanted.

– Kylla Var – Emma Stone/ Alia Shawkat
A madam of sorts: a trader and repairer of sexbots. Foul-mouth (Emma does that best). Owns a spaceship that can travel between the 4-planet system.

– Alyan Katoy – Robert Carlyle / Chris Cooper
The Chemist. He’s Roveen’s drug source and the one who saved him (?) from the streets when Roveen was a teen. He’s more than what meets the eye.

– Evhea & Arhea fembots – Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen / Yaya DaCosta & Devon Aoki
Two AI fembots with a real attitude. Wayren falls for one of the two (or is it both?). One of the two fembots will eventually do the ultimately sacrifice to serve her masters.

– Selah – CGI
Wayren Doz’s exotic bird pet, with some basic intelligence, and cyborg implants that make it pretty useful in the story (no, not my equivalent of Jar-Jar ;-)).

– Envirto Lomus – Timothy Olyphant / Guy Pearce / Mark Strong
The main villain, behind the scenes. Very rich, very influential. Or is he actually the good guy?

– Drydon Xarv – William Fichtner / Hank Azaria
The Prime Minister of the main planet. Answers to Lomus. A political marionette.

– Korbin Zeneyf – Don Cheadle / James Morrison
A general who advises and executes orders from both Zeneyf and Lomus.

– Orene Casyh – Kelly Hu / Aaron Johnson (could be either male or female role)
Central Intelligence Assassin.

– Sekiuva – CGI
An alien, on one of the secondary worlds, living off scraps. But with important connections, and impeccable electronics skills.

– Gaighe Jhel – Ethan Hawke / Sam Rockwell / Robert Knepper / Giovanni Ribisi
A slimey computer hacker, who’s generally on the right side, but he won’t lift a finger without a satisfying payment.

Grilling vegetables

I always had trouble with vegetables and fish in our patio’s small electrical grill. The fish would stick, and the vegetables had to be in a skewer or they’d scatter around. I’m actually a newbie on grilling, started only 2 years ago. Last week I saw this recipe over at the popular Kalyn’s Kitchen web site and I loved how her grilled veggies looked like. I was actually astonished to find out that there are special grillware pans to cook vegetables and fish like that.

I was ready to purchase one from Amazon, but in a shopping spree at our local Cost Plus World Market I found the perfect such dish: small-enough to fit in our grill (but big enough for three servings of veggies), and dirt cheap. So I bought it, and last night I cooked my first veggies on it. The veggies came out great, much better than in a skewer, because more of their surface would touch the hot bottom and get soften with a nice brown color. I served them with grilled pork chops, also marinated with parsley, lemon, lime, olive oil, mint, rosemary, sage, oregano and black pepper. Made some clafoutis too. Dinner was delicious.

The need for a 3D lighting plugin

On my color grading adventures on Sony Vegas I often felt limited by the lack of a re-lighting plugin. Of course, the rule of thumb is that we should always have near-perfect lighting while we’re shooting, but in real life this is almost not possible, especially for most of us DIY enthusiasts who have no major clue about lighting, or we’re using cheap $100 equipment.

I would love to have a plugin that let’s you add virtual lights on your scene, in the 3D space (like Vegas’ 3D track support). We should be able to adjust the number of lights, their strength, the focus, the distance, and with the help of masking, even adding lights behind a subject. Similarly to lights, we should be able to add shadows, to darken parts of the screen.

Of course I don’t expect this to be as good as real lighting, but I’m willing to use it if needed. Right now I’m Vegas’ “soft spotlight” method via the Bump Map plugin, which is not ideal, but some of my footage required it.

Now that the rumor has it that Red Giant Software won’t be supporting Magic Bullet for Vegas anymore, another plugin I’d like to see in Vegas is a AAV ColorLab clone. Unfortunately this freeware plugin is too buggy and not developed anymore, so in order to easier emulate lots of movie looks, Sony themselves must recreate it. That plugin allows you to change saturation, hue and lightness on specific colors only (without the pain in the ass UI that’s called “Secondary Color Corrector”). One added feature I’d like to see in it is the shrinking of the range of these colors. For example, anything that’s around the blue/cyan values should be able to crash towards the ultimate blue (kind of like removing the number of blueish colors and replacing them with the same true blue). This can help to easily recreate old cameras. It’s a stylistic thing, as color grading really is.

“Terminus”, by Solomon Chase

(Updated below)

This must have been the closest call of any Kickstarter project at that level. From the $15,000 goal, $15,023 were pledged, after $300 were withdrawn in the last hour (almost giving me a heart attack). I’m so glad that the film was eventually funded though.

“Terminus” was shot last month in Atlanta by (the HV20-famed) Solomon Chase. He used the Canon 5D MkII, and the Technicolor CineStyle picture style; which allowed for an amazing look. Just look these amazing screen-grabs below. The Technicolor CineStyle picture style has even replaced my own ExtraFlat style, as it’s… even flatter and with more dynamic range in the shadows. Very cinematic.

The kid actor is the same kid from “The Walking Dead” TV series! Can’t wait for the film to be released.

Update: I backed two more indie projects on Kickstarter, both sci-fi films: “The Falconer” and “The B-Ring“. Payments are really easy, since there’s no need to enter credit card info if you already have an Amazon account.

Update 2: Solomon was very kind to send me info on how he color graded. Here’s the original un-graded version, here are his instructions (1, 2). Solomon wrote:

“I use different processes depending on what I’m going for. The flooded house shot used 3-4 different layers for example. Again though, as with “Rainy Day” cinematography, if you shoot in overcast weather… the dynamic range is going to look A LOT better. People think there is some magic effect I’m using. As you can see, the original shot looks just fine. The blueish, low contrast grade I created is a very specific and intentional effect – I wouldn’t go using it on everything. The 2nd “Multiply” layer is to add density to the blacks… you can adjust to taste (usually between 15%-35% looks good).”

And here is the result of my re-enactment of the look on Vegas. The way I got close to that look, in a simpler way I think: 1, 2.

As you can see in the ungraded version, it’s neither the grading in post, nor the Technicolor Cinestyle that makes the shot look so great. It’s the lighting. The lighting is perfect during the shoot.